Daily Lives of My Countryside [v] [Restart]
Take the role of a guy who's going back to the countryside where he used to spend lot of his time in childhood. Meet your Aunt Daisy, your mom's sister. She's happy to see you and will make your feel like home. But you'll face lots of inner sexual challenges during your stay with all female characters you meet.
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Stay at Home
Nothing can stop me
God of Lust [v 0.5]
Living with Mia Act 3 [v 1.5]
Incest Story 2
Gates: The Opening
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Can u update to new 3.1 version please
Like ReplyHow do you open the phone on mobile and how do you save on mobile
Like ReplyThey see version 3.0 And i download they see 2.7?
Like ReplyWhere does Anna hide when she isn't half way through the hole in the shed
Like ReplyHow do i do the massage on mobile
Like Replywho is this creator? I love the game but there needs to be more, does anyone know where his page is? thank you.
Like Replythe game froze on a black after the class went outside i hope they fix this bug.
Like ReplyHow do you get out of the phone on mobile
Like Replyhow do you even use it as well none of the apps work
Like ReplyJoshi, the game is glitched when you play it online, I recommend going on itch.io and downloading it that way you won’t have to deal with the phone glitch.
Like Replythe best plays for ever ! please new opdate !
Like Replymy game stuck after he's wake up and going back to sleep again (dialog story) how to fix it?
Like ReplyBroken game. Shouldn't surprise anyone anymore
Like Replysiempre se congela cuando esta entrando al intro, que puedo haser?
Like ReplyBruh what is this new update?!
Like ReplyWhy do people hate on this games, This shit is really fun. Not even just for the porn part it's fun to play.
Like ReplyWorks fine on mobile
Like Replydonde lo puedo descargar porfa
Like ReplyHow many points before something different happens
Like Reply"Dare to repudiate my request" Seeing this shit in broken english and then throwing out words like repudiate kills me lol
Like ReplyQue buen juego
Like ReplyI loved it bro
Like ReplyHow do you sucessfully fail the laundry quest? I've tried everything
Like ReplyI'm blind. There are clean clothes on her bed you gotta put in the laundry
Like Replyhow i find pixie
Like ReplyYeah, it takes a while to load, but it WILL eventually. Y'all are just impatient
Like ReplyWhen i come to principals office, my game stops responding and the character freezes there.....tf??
Like ReplyChild predator, gagu amp child predator HAHAHAH
Like Replygame i love
Like ReplyGame loads OK, but can't farm and the massage option doesn't work.
Like ReplySaving works again for those on firefox
Like ReplyI can't use the phone while on mobile, and can't give massage does anyone know how?
Like Replygame started to just not save? id make a new file and it just doesnt save and deletes previous file, how can i fix i got super far in :(
Like Replytraumasponge112, ok nvm it only works saving in annas room?
Like Replyi keep getting stuck in the loading screens, it's random tho, you never know which loading screen you'll get stuck on.
Like ReplyBeaverWaffle, Actually after accidentally waiting a very long time, it did load, but it took an eternity and as far as i can see it happens when you're entering a room/area you haven't visited before
Like Replyhow do I open my hot bar in the right bottom corner without a keyboard?
Like Replygame can upload now but its loading between scenes are almost as bad as a renpy game, sometimes actually worse. it needs optimizing.
Like Replyhow to get pass message
Like ReplyWhy do these games make the main charactor look like a little girl with a dick i mean come on seems like something a pedophile would create an want 2 play to satisfy there sick urges. There suppost 2 be atleast 18 but HE looks like a SHE that hasnt hit puberty yet with a dick lmao. maybe make the men look more like men an not prepubescent little dick girls im sure plenty of u are into that but its fucked up an whoever created it is gotta be just as fucked up.
Like Replyit works on firefox
Like ReplyHe intentado y intentado y no puedo ni acercarme a la profe de natación, que hago?
Like ReplyEsta bien, solo que tarda un poco al cargar el juego.
Like Replyso sexy everything in the game
Like ReplyEsquina entretenido
Like ReplyЯ самый натуральный из натруальших людей в мире
Like ReplyFor those wondering why it aint loading, majority of these games will not work on the site, have to download... no viruses
Like Replyvivement la suite du jeux et de l'histoire , pour con puise mètres toutes les filles et femmes enceinte
Like ReplySeriously no sound
Like ReplyNo sound why
Like ReplyWhat do u do when u massage mom
Like Reply"did you remember to eat brakfast?" Yeah, sure. No brakfast anywhere in the kitchen. Dead end for the first task! disapointing. Skiped the game...
Like Replysonstwer, Skip time until 12 using P, also check the guide you braindead monkey
Like Replysimpre me da error al iniciar, qué ùedo hacer?
Like Replycrispital, Intenta jugar en pantalla completa
Like Replyse jeux na marche pas , il y a un soussi
Like ReplyFuck gamcore is dieing
Like ReplyPretty fucking obvious Gamcore don't give a shit. Literally 'error' as soon as it loads.
Like ReplyError as soon as you start the game!!!
Like ReplyLol when you add a game that don't even lunch.
Like ReplyWhy the fuck are you crackheads updating a game we can't even load
Like ReplyFix this game already
Like ReplyCan someone upload more anime style games? The 3d ones are everywhere and they're shit or don't work. Please anyone reading this. If you're here, you're in a struggle. So upvote this to high heaven so we can get what we want, what we need.
Like Reply2xTTR, you're right bro. 3d sucks
Like ReplyY, Bro you should try "Once in a lifetime" and also "Eternum". But first play "Once in a lifetime", that game will changer ur vision about 3D games :)
Like Replyany day now it'll be fixed.... -.-
Like ReplyIt won't play got the ERROR
Like ReplyI wonder... Why am I suddenly getting the feeling someone here is reading these comments, knows a easy trick to fix this error preventing me and many others from playing this game and not saying anything?
Like ReplyAnon, yessirrrr i do
Like ReplyAnon, just download the game its 150mb then you can play the gameplay is awsome
Like ReplyAnon, Too much effort
Like ReplyNormally im pretty laid back about stuff like this, but that error that prevents me from even starting up the game is getting under my skin real fast.
Like ReplySame SHIT different day!!!!!ERROR!!!!!
Like ReplyWas the game reposted today? TypeError is still showing up and the game is still not working.
Like ReplyGame not work me angy plz fix
Like ReplyGame starts with Unable to get property " Length " of undefined or null references!! WTF!
Like ReplyBummer this game doesnt actually work, it looks pretty good
Like Replywhy can i not play this it says that a error
Like ReplyProbably a nice game, but it doesnt work yet...
Like ReplyIt's sad to see that among people who only come in to criticize games, it's sad
Like ReplyAbue, its fucking sad your only fucking comment is always about others!!!! Not just the the game is good or bad but your fucking opinion of everybody else!
Like ReplyJerkfree, let ne guess. you came to call it garbage as well... Now is a great time for you to get lost
Like Replyanon, BitchBoy nobody said shit about the game other than it has a ERROR! You just want to put your Brown Nose were it doesn't belong! So next time Read the fucking Comment!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, in case you haven't noticed i wouldn't be replying to you if I hadn't done just that. Time for you to dissappear from this thread of comments.
Like ReplyJust another error piece of sh!t game no suprise sad!✌☹
Like Replythis game is trash
Like ReplyI can't get the game to lode keep getting error
Like Replycan't even get it to open on chrome. crash's when try to reload every time.
Like ReplyTried on different Web pages, getting errors like imagePreload and Length. Can't exactly have an opinion on a game that crashes before it even starts.
Like ReplyPedophelia and incest tell us more how you're on a list
Like ReplyYouneedyourgeneteliaremovedwithn, hurr Durr, I think all drawn characters are actual people with emotions and there is no distinction between hentai characters and actual fucking children
Like ReplyNickname, And that's why you are brain dead step away from the game it's not real save what brain cells you have left and quit go back to reality!
Like ReplyYouneedyourgeneteliaremovedwithn, lmao love how theres dislikes from actual weirdos that belong in prison or worse
Like ReplyYouneedyourgeneteliaremovedwithn, i believe it takes Total Idiots to determine cartoon characters are the same thing as real life regardless the characters stature. Grow the fuck up! Maybe you don't like anything that's not to your standards!!?? You maybe only like the games with big giant tits and cow sized asses or maybe your a Peterfile ?. So shut the fuck up about children! The game says all characters are 18!!!..
Like ReplyNickname, another PETERFILE that thinks cartoon characters are real!!!
Like ReplyX, hey your the one who is sitting here messing with a game involving this stuff and concerning about it considering it doesn't do anything to condone the acts in this game getting practiced in the real world.
Like Replyy nu mrk??
Like ReplyOh boy a new game to play... (finishes loading)... TYPE ERROR this.imagePreloads[folder] is undefined. Well it's to be expected that a new game will have some problems but not one that prevents me from even starting!
Like ReplyThe game don't even work lmao
Like ReplyHm, not a bad game but it doesn't really have much going for it either. While the artwork is different than many others, it's kinda boring at this point
Like ReplyTrixiethelewdandhorny, what you talking about? The game is a good one. Finally a game with decent, different artwork..not to mention the quality of the game as well. This game has a lot going on and I hope the creator continues.
Like ReplyDa fuck, Man you sound like the developer responding to their own game hahahaha, it's shit tho
Like Replymight be a bot. the art is really good but there are like 5 scenes in the whole game. and i saw this game like 1 or 2 years ago. and this looks like the same just with 2 or 3 more scenes. by the time they will finish this game the art style will be retro af.
Like ReplyDa fuck, a lot going on? The time advances 1:1 meaning 1 minute in game is 1 minute irl. You can skip time only with the TV remote, which is occupied by the cousin at some point, so you either wait a literal fucking hour or quit the game
Like ReplyI keep getting the "TypeError Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"
Like Replysame error pls fix the game
Like Replygame dont work
Like Replyhow about telling us what the controls are. like using water can.
Like Replyhttps://www.visitmama.com/daily-lives-of-my-countryside/ download this game for this site guys
Like ReplyPunchline87, how do you play the game for me is will say error
Like ReplyDownload, is it safe to try downloding it? Wont do it unless ther's a way to varify I wont have to deal with viruses
Like ReplyDownload, its free?
Like ReplyTo those who are wondering if this is a virus, I became the sacrificial lamb and tried it. It worked, there was no virus (at least one that my computer could not detect). all you need is to download it and have 7-zip.
Like ReplyKneeHighToLow, tell me step by step what you did during the process of downloading, just in case.
Like Reply