Meet and Fuck Metropolis: Presidential Treatment [Restart]
Soon we'll see elections in USA, Donald J. Trump is going for second term victory from Republicans. Probably he's going to win it but this game is not about that. Here you'll see some small parody about life behind the scenes and how do they spend their time while nobody sees. One more time, it's just a parody made by somebody else, please don't ban us in US.
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Meet and Fuck Millionaire
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Boom Town - The Taint Stretcher
Meet and Fuck Secret Agent
Meet and Fuck: Totally Sluts
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Boobitch Family Reunion 2: Vigo the Carpathian
Super Heroine Hijinks 4
Meet and Fuck - Road Trip
Officer Juggs SpaceXXX
Tilda von Titantanks The Apocalypse
Meet and Fuck + Intensive Therapy
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Well that was weird
Like ReplyI fucking love this game
Like Replymommy is my mommy
Like ReplyNice game; unfortunately the Dems cheated like they accused Trump of doing when he won, but since he lost this time, they can't possibly have cheated. Sure. I voted for Trump, but I can take a joke. Now if this had been about Biden... you just know the lefties on here would be bitching about disrespect for the office. As if they showed any respect for during Trump's term. What hypocrites.
Like ReplyrogueKlyntar, trump voter don't call out imaginary enemies challenge (impossible) one minute in
Like Replycall me socialist because i wanna have state mandated pussy
Like Replyi really liked this game
Like ReplyBiden2020 , get lost trump
Like Replybyebye trump,
Like ReplyWhat do you want to prove by making this ? Ban
Like ReplyI love how they call him Dump. :D Serves him right.
Like Replylmao so many butthurt cry baby libtards
Like ReplyMAGA, yeah, they need to get over the loss and move on. The "End of History" was a lie.
Like ReplyI don't know why you Trumpees are so pissed. I didn't see anything that couldn't happen in real life.
Like ReplyJuergen42, what is that logic? And stop arguing politics in a porn game comments section
Like ReplyWhats with this fucking capitalism, I just want good state approved games on ym communist porn game site
Like ReplyGood job to shit this page with politics.
Like ReplyJosef Malar, Looming fascist oppression is a lot more prevalent than you would think. Cherish the fact that you're even able to see this page in the first place, because you could just as easily be one of the countless victims. A head in the sand doesn't see the boot coming down, and sure can't do anything to stop it.
Like ReplySorry just venting, Stop talking about politics if you know nothing about it. Your just saying what every democrat says if your gonna argue at least have your own ideas
Like ReplyLike what, <-- and here we see a head delighted to be in the sand, who thinks "So what if I can't see, they buried my head to keep me safe from SoCiAlIsM and MiNoRiTiEs!" Who says "What do you mean they're killing people up there? The sand doesn't have any blood on it down here!" Who believes "The people up there deserve it anyway! Else they'd have their head down here with me!"
Like ReplyWho cries "How can they know better than the boot? They don't even know how it tastes!" Who spits "What do you mean it's burning up there? I don't see any smoke down here!" Who whines "The boot says 'they're' the ones doing the burning! Surely 'they' must be stopped wit more fire!" Who drools "My hole is the only one that matters anyway! It's actually a good thing that anyone outside of it dies!"
Like ReplyUntil finally the boot comes down, and they cry out in pain, or as is more likely, pleasure.
Like ReplyLike what, you manage to have your head both in the sand and up your ass, bravo.
Like ReplyNot playing this one. if i wanted to watch a slut polish a turd i'd try pornhub. IS IT TRUE THAT POTUS STANDS FOR.. PILE OF TOTALLY USELESS SHIT?
Like ReplyGeorge, It does now that Biden is in office.
Like ReplyLOL see the shit with your own eyes Trump is still for the Rich, and we Don't qualify. But keep kissing his ass when the USA becomes a third world country??
Like ReplyJerkfree, bro your on a porn game trying to argue about trump. And plus whether anyone likes it or not trump is the president
Like ReplyJerkfree, yeah, Biden spending millions of tax-payer dollars to renovate his private home in whichever tiny-dick state it is up there is totally an expression of condemnation of the rich.
Like ReplyNot anymore, so theres that
Like ReplyTrump fans just fuck off and let Joe take over
Like Replytake over? you mean sleep over.
Like ReplyYour mom just called you a pussy, The dude with alzheimer? Bruh.
Like ReplyYour mom just called you a pussy, if we let Joe take over we all might as well kill ourselves because either way we are gonna die he will get us killed
Like ReplyTrumpFans: fuck off Joe Biden TheWorld : Trump is a Fucking joker
Like ReplyYour dad just called you a pussy, your tiny group of retarded friends doesn't represent the world.
Like ReplyWe've been waiting for him to do just that since he entered office... but I have hope for him still, say it with me, "LET'S GO, BRANDON!"
Like Replythis is the last place is expected politics to be.... But here we are anyway.
Like Replylmao, just laughing my ass off to all these comments
Like Replycocoduck, Fr though its dumb asf but really funny
Like Replycocoduck, same bro lmfao
Like ReplyBEWARE America hater MARXIST
Like ReplyLmao, some liberal beta boy wrote this crap
Like ReplyCry you virgins... TRUMP2020
Like ReplyTrump2020, you are an indictment against the education system
Like ReplyShibari, please kill yourself.... please
Like ReplyKYS, your Pesident is a liar, a rassist and he KILL your population with his lying about corona and you supported him, i wound say the same to you but there is no need, Trump will do it for you
Like ReplyShibari, you forget to add on 2018 trump was on france they ask him if he want to visit the soldier tomb on ww2, he said no i dont want to see loser and sucker. wow nice NO respect for those soldier they die for OUR freedom.
Like Replyjohn34, and i got the link
Like ReplyShibari, First off learn how to spell then actually do some research and learn something. You people always say the same thing he's racist and what not but never have any proof. Absolute idiots!
Like Replyjohn34, Actually learn and do research before you try and argue politics. And stop making up such fake stories about the president. If your gonna talk about the president badly make sure its something real not a fake story to try and bring him down
Like Replyjohn34, While it is humorous to talk politics on a porn game sight..the real humor is your article was debunked weeks ago by none other than John Bolton. Mr. Bolton does not like Trump, yet even he said the atlantic story is horseshit. Libturds are just too stupid.
Like ReplyShibari, your definition of education is indoctrination.
Like ReplyTrump2020, lol
Like Replytrump 2020 yeah right he losing
Like Replyjohn34, I hope you know you are trying to talk about politics in a porn games comments
Like ReplyMust be a real Trump fan... The characters are all fat looking slobs like Trump,,, FuckOff Developer.
Like ReplyJerkfree, if the characters are all fat slobs how does that make the developer a trump supporter? Like that is such bad logic!
Like ReplyJerkfree, you can go to jail by the way true
Like ReplyThis is so rude
Like ReplyKarim, Fascism and injustice are ruder, but hey, that's not stopping Maggats.
Like ReplyKelli, your right idk why democrats are for that stuff and then blame it on republicans
Like ReplyKelli, you stupid fucking liberals don’t even know what facism is. STFU
Like ReplyKelli, >imagine thinking Trumpenstein is fascist Cringe, what do you people smoke besides mainstream media and bullshit? Dried mushrooms with Clozapine?
Like ReplyKelli, its not trumps fault you dont have a grip on your life...
Like Replyif you think trump is facist you're fucking retarded, and im a fucking ecofacist
Like ReplyJust seeing the cover gives me nightmares
Like ReplyI would like to call everybody's attention to the fact that this first commenter (and not just the first one to bring politics into the discussion) is clearly an anti-Trumper... so anybody who doesn't want politics involved here should blame them.
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