Midna - Twilight Princess
Remember the Legend of Zelda? Well, there's Twilight Princess fucking, sucking, making handjob and more for You to feel the pleasure. Select actions in left top corner to see what little freaky girl can do.
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Any way to get her in the humanoid form?
Like ReplyCan you also do one for mipha
Like Replyshe's a zoophile? (secret scene)
Like Replygamenice game
Like Reply@Commander The game softlocks. Its says "GAME OVER" "You failed twice, seriously!?" and then you cant do anything unless you refresh the page.
Like Replyn fassao nada no jogo e vao ver um segredo
Like ReplyKono ni jū ichi nakya to iu nodesu ka?
Like Replyたとえば奨め、この二十一つはあ りますか?
Like ReplyIf you let the pleasure meter run down all the way and you fail don't worry click on the earring and if you fail again I heard its really funny but I've Never taken the time to do it so if somebody does it tell about it in the comments :-D
Like ReplyCommander, OK so first you complete the game once thin click on the blue pics one the game over screen and play as wolf link
Like ReplyHow many of you are here because of Inside Gaming Q&A?
Like Replyawesome game. i love the music for some reasom
Like ReplyTo get wolf mode let the pleasure meter go to its lowest and click the screen after something happens, don't click the restart button.
Like ReplyTo get the Wolf Fucking, you have to let the pleasure meter go low and when something appears click it! And there you go, Wolf Mode.
Like ReplyComo vocÊs gatas meto a rola na bucetinha de vocÊs!
Like Replyi like how Midna is pissed when the Pleasure bar high XD!!
Like ReplyMidna Looked pissed when the pleasure bar was almost all the way low XD!!!!
Like Replythat was pretty awesome
Like ReplyOoh man that felt good cumming inside her
Like Replyinteresante muy entretenido
Like ReplyGood game. 3rd scene doesn't work though.
Like Replyau début ne cliquez pas attendez le loup puis cliquez sur le loup
Like Replydond clique at first and in wolf clic wolf
Like Replyhow do you get the other ones?
Like ReplyDeixem a Pleazure chegar ao Low , e depois disso abre uma cena secreta dela, com um lobo!
Like Replyshit links so hot. How do i get scene three
Like Replymuito bom
Like Replylovely Bites
Like Replyhow cum no one wants to fuck with me?
Like Replyyep ive played till the ice temple. when i got stuck at the block twisting part.
Like Replyhave you played Zelda twilight princess?
Like Replythis made me cum so much my girlfriend had to help me clean it up.
Like Replyhey super cock ,whats up....in your pants? (8===)
Like Replyarent you just delicious? ;)
Like Replyhey man make nothing and the pleasure go down wait and the wolf scene is here
Like Replyhow do you know me penis raper???
Like Replyi already know you cok scoundrel.
Like Replysexy conversation you guys are having.
Like Replyass cock whale balls master...id love to do the same thing...but now im masterbating with shit...ill do it later though!
Like Replythat hand is freaky...it made my balls fall off then i ate it and it came back.
Like Replysexy
Like ReplyBut that's not a 3rd scene...it's just the Wolf Link scene. Ok so tell me the scenes. 1 - Link and Midna. 2 - Wolf Link and Midna 3 - ?
Like Replyyou just have to click anywhere on him after the !
Like ReplyBut there's no 3rd scene. I let the bar drop and click the screen, this gets me Wolf Link. I clicked his earring like many said to do. Nothing happens
Like ReplyDon't lose twice then its GAME OVER, for real. . . and it breaks
Like ReplyOh, noes I failed the game now i will have to be a doggy!
Like Replylet the bar drop all the way dow and click on wolfys earing
Like Replyjust if she could do that to me 0_0
Like Replyhow do i get scene 3?
Like ReplyIf only wolfy could fuck anal style. that would be sweet
Like ReplyWait 4 pleasure 2 drop, then click on wolf link!
Like Replyhey i sav some pics of second game with link and midna except this time its wolf Link.pls give me some pages where i can find it.
Like ReplyBestiality =/= Furry Close, but furrys are people-like in appearce like bugs bunny... not like wolf Link who turns into a wolf... with the four legs, and the knot.
Like Replywhy couldnt they have added a hidden scene where theres a threesome. Zelda, Link, and Midna fucking?
Like Replyi cant get to scene 3 -_-
Like Replyclick on midna,s boobies she makes sounds ^_^
Like ReplyIsn't there a Wolf Link part!? Because, I saw some screen-shots. Nice game, I highly doubt that Midna would ever do that! x3 Anyways, but it sad that she had to go back to her Realm, and I'm totally a big fan of LinkxMidna, or Wolf-LinkxMidna. :P I wish they could make a movie, about the Twilight Princess! Can't they even see how much it would be? And it could even be rater 5 stars, best movie of the year, I wish they could listen to our voices. T~T
Like Replyonly if they made a game system like an xbox 360 that could play hentai games like this,if so i would totally buy it.
Like Reply慢
Like Replyon scene one let the bar drop all the way then click the dogs ear ring and you will get a alternate scene two and three
Like Replynice
Like ReplyКрасивая принцеса я бы с такой))
Like Reply0_0 her handjob hurts!!!
Like Replyminda must do that to me.
Like Replyawesome game, bonus scene could have been better though
Like Replythis game is fukin awesome.
Like Replyo que mais vejo nesse site e criança com menos de 14 esse site é mt popular eim ^^
Like Replypesquisas indicam que 3 de 10 pessoas jogaram seu primeiro jogo erotico com menos de dezoito anos
Like Reply马来西亚是真版色鬼-.-
Like ReplyO-0 just listen to some of the shit midna says to link
Like Reply日本人都是杂种...
Like Reply怎麼玩都Link變成狼...
Like Replymito bom
Like ReplyLINK的分泌物太多了
Like Reply想不到MIDNA如此淫荡
Like Reply真它妈的卡
Like Replylet the pleasure bar drop all the way for a special surprise( for furry lovers)
Like Reply挨,都没有显示的
Like Reply卡,他妈的
Like Reply好慢!
Like Reply什么垃圾网站啊?玩不成的80%!靠 !不是卡就是慢!
Like Reply卡啊
Like Reply太爽了
Like Reply你们好啊!多多关照了!
Like Replye 啊,我老早就知道了啊
Like Reply开始后等进度条降到最低点狗有隐 藏关
Like Reply速度慢
Like ReplyGooD!
Like Reply我100岁啦
Like Replyxfsffsf
Like Reply欢迎女狼加我,QQ 859111059 深圳
Like Reply能玩吗?
Like Reply怎么都是中国人
Like Replylan
Like Replyhaomana
Like Reply爽真爽
Like Reply才叫爱你发哦哈iosfhioahgaioji
Like Reply晕
Like Reply哎我 太假了
Like Reply做爱真好玩啊,还能生小孩啊!
Like Reply爽
Like Reply行啊~~
Like Reply都不行的
Like ReplyGreat Game ... love link.
Like ReplyNO1
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