SlaveMaker Revised [Restart]
This is a fun hentai parody of the game Princess Maker. You play as a slave trainer in the kingdom of Moiya. Select one of the girls and turn her into perfect slave. You can choose from several characters like Akane, Ayane, Belldandy, Rama, Tifa, Urd, Naru, Yurika, Shampoo and Kasumi. You have to improve all her characteristics so her real owner would be satisfied. WHEN SELECTING A CHARACTER - WAIT UNTIL IT LOADS (IT'S ABOUT 10MB each to load).
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Weirdly, SlaveMaker3 has not been uploaded here the full game.
Like Replyamazing fire game btw id smah all if it was i
Like ReplyЭто рил крутая игра
Like Replywhere to find tail
Like Replyfire game btw id smah all if it was irl
Like ReplyPretty great, even if it feels a bit buggy and unpolished...
Like Replyspam click really fast on any profile and wait for loading. You will get infinite gold and max all stats
Like Replykabylane, it doesnt work
Like ReplyYou Game maker should have done so that you can download this game and the other 1 from here so we can play it without flash!
Like Replydo you want morrality in your assistant
Like Replydoesnt load
Like Replyaxius, It will, but it takes some time. Be patient.
Like ReplyHi :). I am from Netherlands and i don't know how can i disable my signature? Regards :)
Like Replyverry boaring
Like Replyне загружается ни черта после выбора
Like ReplyIs there a way for me to download the save file?
Like Replycheats: click on the '' G '' of the word gold to get money
Like ReplyCherche une grosse chate et finne et veux faire baisser une meuf avec moi
Like Replywhy i can't play this game?
Like ReplyQuero chupar e dar. minha buceta é virgem e quero q um macho gostoso acabe c isso . Chupo e dou c o msior prezer
Like ReplyRecherche une grosse bite
Like ReplyQuero comer uma putinha
Like ReplyIts a really fun game but when I save it, and load it, it says "game file doesn't exist" I worked hard on it.
Like Replyi wish you could keep your slaves
Like Reply@Fuckit You can pick a character it just takes really long to load
Like ReplyThis shitty game doesn't work. Can't even pick a character
Like Replyi like to wack it off
Like ReplySalut j'adore le sexe
Like Replypush the G in GOLD for the money with money she becomes obatiant
Like ReplyIt wont let me chose a girl
Like Replyi cant pick a girl i clicked on all of them but it doest work
Like Replywork my ass off
Like Replyyou have to wait a bit for the game to load every thing it can take a few
Like Replyhow do you get the pony tail
Like ReplySo I load the game and I click on the girls but for some reason it doesn't let me chose a girl? I clicked on their picture frame and even tabbed over them so it glows yellow but nothing. How do I chose a girl and how can I tell if it's loading?
Like ReplyHow to get the hernes?
Like ReplyWhat kind of browser need to ply this game? i tryed with mozila and its only a black page..... plz help me
Like ReplyIn order to make her obedient quickly, click the 'G' in Gold repeatedly. Also makes you rich.
Like Replytip thanks for the secret of the gold
Like ReplyYa tried it for slave maker 3 and its all fucked up you have to pay for it its not free and its a jip program you get shit for it exept viruses and a fucked up computer and empty pockets
Like ReplyIs it possible to make Tifa a ponygirl? I can't get her to do the Master command because her obedience is limited. Is there any way to bypass the obedience limit?
Like Replyif you click on the G of gold it gives you extra
Like Reply1, There IS a more updated version. Google for Slave Maker and you'll find it easily.
Like Replythey should really have a more updated version of slavemaker
Like Replymouse is the controls you can system save and misc .. Pad
Like Replywhat are the controls?
Like Replygame loads but when choosing girls nothing happens, even with first one
Like Replythey should get a more updated version
Like Replytifia is underneath the first girl its jest her pic is invisible
Like ReplyEdo is gay
Like Replyhi it don't work
Like ReplyI love having fun I want to have sex with a girl my age I like her I want her to do the same things like I do
Like Replyyour editor for this slave maker should upgrade the other to make it more interesting with color its too bland for my taste boring
Like Replytried slave maker on funny games but not as good as this one this one is the best not black and white
Like Replytruthfully yud ,fuck jessicas statements should not be on a page with stupid statements and 2 names like that should not be present on a public page and edo has old fashiond sense
Like Replyallgirls you can use basic ropes with exept 2 they come with them attached
Like Replyjust a reminder fourtune teller. ropes .carismaand ect filled some say yes master right off some dont. you prbably have toget them use to you or for get it but any way items move exept traders and mercants shop but be sure to save
Like Replyfor misc things like dick girl cows ,and poney girl races click option and besure to check it poney girls and misc,if you want to do it
Like Replytifa lockhart tiene unas tetas de aupa
Like Replywhen done with the first one witch is your assistant..then go to middle button and check all girls ect..
Like Replyharder to control girls use ropes but to the point they like it dont go past that state you keep useing it you get s&m ending..
Like Replyayane going to be mom
Like ReplyPopravdě si nemůžu vzpomenout, kdy to dodlpao dobře. : ) Zmiňovanfd Resident Evil se mi neledbil a trailer k Princovi na mě působil jak třeted, nejme9ně vydařened, Pire1ti z Karibiku, takže trošku jako fraška. Takže asi nejle9pe mi z toho vyche1zed tituly podle animovanfdch filmů... Když nic jine9ho, člověk alespoň pozne1 obledbene9ho hrdinu z filmu, což u her podle hranfdch filmů (a filmů podle her) nebfdve1 zvykem. Každope1dně i když to tu docela ke1re1m, jsem jednoznačně pro to, aby se tak dě
Like Replyvem em mim que eu arrombo o cusÃO de vcs
Like Replyuless you want s&m ending or poney girls get silken ropes from the cook at the docks and drug at the slumes let me know how it works intetellengence teacher has poney tail palace, lake, no event to get poney tail wonderer mechant harness , misc stuff, nipple chain murchant shop misc potions etc. astrid drug for dickgirl cows, scores side and reputation f .teller , misc
Like Replydon't use ropes use hand until way naughty then use it but love spank them first
Like Replyafter getting shampoo you can bring normal girls to easy mode click normal first go to reset. go back to easy mode and then click on girl should be the same with hard mode too
Like Replyfun game gets to be easer ech time you go through and memerize it
Like Replyto get tifa go through hard mode
Like ReplyTifa is just below Shampoo, you can train her it's just tha her picture doesn't show up at the main screen
Like Replygirls onley shapoo,yurika,belldandy,naru,ranma,urd,ayne,k asumi,akane,tifa must be a glitch in name edeo check
Like Replymesure the score done by the charts on side pannel and what she feels f .teller tells what she is thinking .poney suff teaher pallace harness wanderer and so on rest figure out andasfor days or events praise slave works edeo check../.
Like Replyhow do you get wedding on bellandandy got everything but it.. but good game should make another one but fix bugs first ...edo check
Like Replynot good to save saved and glitches still gets you to start over this is 3rd try got to beladandy then had to restart gltches happen between yukria and belladandy ...edo check didit
Like ReplyApr22Zeon ZZ i heard that bill a few months ago.. there are a lot of loop hole that bill..example is (only reernfirg on anime) if the girl age is 18 but the appearance is 17 below it is not consider a child porn . i think it has a same flaw in the Japanese law the difference only is 17 and up for Japanese There is one fatal flaw on this bill.. it is a pakitang tao bill i do remember computer generated evidence in court does not count as evidence how will they prosecute the offender if no
Like ReplyVenham fuder cmg gatas meto meu pau em vcs com força quero arrombar vcs d4
Like Replyayane you are my little girlfriend
Like Replybom bom de mais
Like ReplyAcho muito bom este jogo pra jogar a dois
Like ReplyHow I can do to make do the pony girl race?
Like Replytnoteri and
Like Replyit stuck when tried to get shamploo as assistant and what mode do you have to be in to get the rest of them. and how do you finish assistant and didnt see tifa thats a scam...allothers are there exept her
Like Replysomethings up the items for the ponygirl outfit arent appearing
Like Replyis this broken? won't let me pic girl to start...
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to measure the score?
Like Replytuhh trabiesitahh
Like Replyhow do you measure the score?
Like ReplyWhere can i find the tail??
Like Replyanyone kowhow to get tifa?
Like Replyi all wet now
Like Replytail is found in a random event at the palace
Like Replyi want to fuck ayane
Like Replyjust have a black screen?
Like ReplyYeah Same here.
Like ReplyDoes anyone know where to get the ponygirl tail?
Like Replygod game
Like Replyin game click the g in gold
Like Replyh-MAN, nice 10/10
Like ReplyFinish with shampoo- thanks helps alot
Like ReplyAfter you are done with her, other bitches will become available one by one. Just click on the image from main menu and wait and wait.. there is no loading indicator, but the game works fine, just need to be patient.
Like Replyhow to get the other girls when you complete the assistant it wont allow me?
Like Replygirl whos horny, you have to click on the options button, then click on allow all girls.
Like ReplyPretty hard game but it's actually fun. There are some glitches so make sure to save often otherwise you will have to start over.
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